Rebates & Credits - Greenify Energy Savers Minnesota

Rebates & Credits

How Much Can You Save?

In Minnesota, making the switch to solar energy will have you seeing green in more ways than one.

While you’re reducing your carbon footprint, you’ll be lining your pockets and padding your bank account with savings – thanks to Minnesota Power’s rebate program, the federal income tax credit program, net metering and other available incentives.

But just how much money can you potentially save when you call on the experts at Greenify Energy Savers to design and install a photovoltaic solar energy system for you?

Any Questions, Contact Us Now!

Solar Reduces or Eliminates Your Energy Bills

Depending on the size and energy output of your solar panel array, you can significantly reduce your energy bills – or even do away with them completely.

In fact, your savings will begin the day your system goes live and continue for the 25- to 30-year expected lifespan of your photovoltaic solar panels. And, while the power company continues to raise its rates each year, you’ll be locked in at the same rate – free!

It’s no exaggeration to say that you could easily save thousands of dollars every year, depending on your power usage and PV system output.

Incentives & Rebates Slash Your Solar Energy System Costs

Generating your own free electricity frees you from the excessive energy bills you’ve been paying, but what about the cost of solar installation? The cost of solar panels has already hit a historic low. But, when you consider the generous Incentive rebate program now offered by Minnesota Power, you could potentially reduce the cost of your investment by more than 60% — depending on the expected output of your system. In fact, they’ll actually write you a check for your rebate! The federal solar investment tax credit (ITC) allows you to deduct 30% of your total system installation cost from your federal tax obligation. And, as both the state of Minnesota and most municipalities have implemented various solar energy incentives, your savings will be substantial – if you act quickly.

Obtain Compensation or Credit for Your Extra Solar Power

Depending on which Minnesota utility provider serves your area, you can obtain monetary credit against future bills or direct compensation (via check) for any extra power you send up the grid.

Established in Minnesota’s net metering policy for distributed energy, this financial benefit offers photovoltaic system owners with an opportunity to offset the cost of their equipment and, potentially, make a profit from their solar panels.

Your savings will depend on a variety of factors, including the size, design and configuration of your system. If you would like to learn more about your potential solar savings, you can contact us for details. Or, if you’re ready to start saving money today with a zero-down solar energy system, contact us now for a free quote customized to your needs.

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At Greenify Energy Savers, we’re serious about helping our customers go green to save green.

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Monday-Friday: 9:00am-6:00pm
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